Rev. Dr Sharone-Elizabeth James
Rev. Dr. Sharone-Elizabeth James has been on a conscious spiritual path from the very beginnings of her life. When she was 2-1/2 years old, she experienced Cosmic Consciousness. This was the seed that was planted in her young mind those many years ago that has flowered full bloom in her life today. She has always been aware of the invisible realms that are part of and integrated with our life here on earth.
Rev. Dr. Sharone-Elizabeth is a native of New York City. She underwent four years of intense metaphysical and spiritual training in Theosophy, New Thought, Spiritualism and Ancient and Contemporary Religious Beliefs at the Spiritual Science Center of New York. She was ordained in June 1989, the same year she made Florida her new home. She was the founder and President of Zanco Personal Resources and Consulting Services, a Human Resource Management Company in Sarasota, Florida that contracted with various government and business organizations in Southwest Florida in the area of diversity. She is listed in Who’s Who of American Business Women Today.
She lectures on The New Paradigms of the 21st Century and is a featured guest on various TV and radio shows. Starting July 16, 2007, she was telepathically impressed by Celestial Beings of Light to start and facilitate the Anchoring Light Meditation which has been held every Monday evening without fail to the present date to assist in our Planetary Ascension. She also is founder of Anchoring Light Sacred Journeys which provides Sacred Journeys which have a clear mission and purpose to Sacred Locations around the planet. She has led Sacred Journeys to Lake Titicaca, Peru and Puma Punku, Bolivia. Rev. Dr. Sharon-Elizabeth has a conscious relationship with Enlightened Star Beings and the Ascended Masters who are assisting humanity to enter a Golden Age of enlightenment and empowerment.
Through a celestial orchestration of events, Rev. Dr. Sharone-Elizabeth serves today as one of three Pastors for the Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light whose purpose is to help guide others in finding and tapping into their own divinity and their boundless ability as Creators and Creations of the one God of all things. ALL ARE ONE.